

ROSE INFINITE, spezza un ramo e moltiplicale all infinito trucco dello stuzzicadenti, rose gratis

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trucco incredibile per ottenere delle giovani piante di rosa usando una siringa ed un po di terra.


Hello, everyone today in this video they show you how starting from sprigs of roses, thanks to the help of syringes, you can then make them generate roots and obtain results exactly like these or seedlings.

That will then live a life of their own I recommend you to follow the video, but above all, to try to redo what they show you, because the technique is really very simple and I assure you.

The results will be really great satisfactions.

The first thing you will need to do will be to get a seedling of roses of any variety, because this experiment, you can really do with all types of roses.

But the important thing is that the subject you choose has branches that are between an age of one year, maximum two, because it will be precisely on those that the real experiment will be carried out., but precisely in order to really get a map to this branch must be that just about him are born of the roots, and there is a trick to do so, and we will be just us deciding where to give birth will simply be enough at the point where we want the roots to be born.

Interrupt the lymph that passes from the lower part of the plant, then from the part where the roots are to the upper part, or that apical then simply create a real interruption ring on the bark eliminating it to create the ring.

It will be necessary to get a well sharp knife.

I use those that are normally used for grafts that before using it, I recommend also in this case sterilize it even simply with a little alcohol, then starting from the apical part.

Then the the top part to go down about 15 centimeters is simply to make two cuts.

Then simply scratch the cuticle that is in this way, you will have to make a cut that takes the whole circumference and once done here, there is simply the first cut, go up about a centimeter and repeat the operation, so that the cut is parallel to q.

What you have just done, then, always with the tip of the knife, join the two cuts in this way and pull away once done, pull away the skin peeled off the branch.

This is what you got, then simply you pulled off the skin.

I hope that in the video see how fine it is without absolutely touching the branch that is underneath in the living part that has been created, that in short, by touching them wet rooting, hormones will be applied.

It is not mandatory.

The operation will be the same, but cecile.

You have better, then simply take this powder and apply it with a brush.

If you do not have rooting hormones, even simple aspirin will do fine , but I recommend not the effervescent ones, to the tablet.

One and simply do this operation, then with a brush dip it in the hormones and then brush all the part that is created alive.

At this point, it will be necessary to obtain a little bit of earth from the universal soil.

As long as it is soft draining, it will be fine, it is simply moisten it slightly I recommend it must only be damp and not wet once it is damp, and this is the ideal degree, do this operation take it and create by squeezing it in your hands, then letting out the excess water and also the 'air, get a ball of earth and continue to work everything until the ball loses all the excess liquids and those inside the air bubbles disappear, and in the end, it should get something very similar to this.

So that touching the look of plasticine in short, of the clay, and at this point you can safely proceed.

Those subsequent phases go to the point where the cut was created is simply to cover everything and wrap with the earth, the point in which what we have worked and really malleable the earth once it is wet and squeezed will be very similar to plasticine here it is.

This is the result, so take some cellophane and simply go to close the work that has just been closed and, in the meantime, try to model further, then simply continue shrinking.

To close here then, take a tie in this case.

I took a lace with which you can normally read the tomatoes and close everything in the lower part.

This will prevent the cellophane from opening over time and consequently dropping the earth.

It would be a shame if you never have to redo everything in the middle of the work just because in case you open the same operation you will have to run in the upper part, then simply take another bit of thread and close, then simply legal end of the operation.

This is what you will have to get after ten days.

This is how the plant looks and the buds at the apex are developing in an absolutely perfect, and it is synonymous that the plant enjoys excellent health that does not have absolutely nte affected by the operation.

Now, however.

It will be necessary to wet the inner part that is in the cellophane.

Therefore, the earth, because, if the roots dry up, they will not be able to develop.

Obviously you will not be able to open the cellophane, otherwise the earth will go away.

So a good method to go to to wet the earth will be to take a syringe to fill it with water is simply to do this operation I, try to show you how the operation should come to wet, especially the first time.


First of all, you have to create and repeat only the first time, some holes in the lower part in so that, then, the excess water affects, but above all the pressure when you insert the water does not make everything burst.

Once you have made a few holes simply go to the top and pierce look at the excess water will come out.

So do not worry and wet up to that.

You will not see that the ground will be completely wet.

The fact that the water comes out of the outside that we have created is absolutely one thing normal and even positive, because if we had not done all these out, the whole thing would have burst so I recommend you do there when the ground will change from a light brown to a very dark brown.

Just like this will mean that it is saturated with water and therefore it can transmit to wet the following times.

It will be necessary to wet only when this will tend to become very light brown again, because it will mean that it will have lost the liquids, so they will have to be integrated if everything goes, as we hope in the earth within the sky will form roots., as in this case, this is an experiment that started about four months ago, and already today, the root system was formed, tried to show you better how the root system looks through in the hand, there are really many very large roots and therefore, in the face of this can be said that the time has come to separate the marmot from the mother plant.

It will be enough to take some shears and going from the base point and going down about 2 cm, make a clean cut in this way when the operation is completed.

All that remains is to free the radical bread from cellophane and laces by simply pulling them off, be careful during this operation, not to break the root system that was formed, and here that the root system appears here and there once removed from the cellophane.

This is what was obtained, so it is clearly seen that the experiment was successful, because the root system was formed in an absolutely perfect way and in order to show you how, but above all where the roots have developed, he tried to pull away all the earth.

So I took a basin with water at room temperature, simply insert everything inside letting it moisten a little in so as not to pull off the Latin roots.

When finished rinsing, all the earth is removed.

This is what we got.


How many roots are born changes a shot and try to show you better how the roots have developed are so many and they were born in the point where we created the interruption ring so where we removed the bark.

So, given the enormous amount of roots that have been born, you can move the all quietly inside a jar with soil that is soft, draining and treat this like any other rose plant after three days.

Taking everything back, you can see that the plant is still in excellent health and, in addition, the buds that were there at the apex they have all opened.

This means that the plant after the detachment is living without problems of its own life and with this the second video I hope it has served you to learn something new, useful and fun.

If you liked it, please leave I like a comment, but above all, subscribe to the channel, while you're there, take a look at it because I'm almost sure that now, with the video uploaded, it's something smells nice inside the channel.

You will be able to try.

It said that I greet you and wait for you at the next video.

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