How to Pack Healthy Road Trip Snacks (2024)

  • Meal Ideas

Traveling can make it tricky to stick to healthy habits, but these healthy road trip snacks will make sure you won't be so desperate that you succumb to gas station beef jerky.


Jessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN

How to Pack Healthy Road Trip Snacks (1)

Jessica Cording is a dietitian, health coach, podcaster, and author of The Little Book of Game Changers: 50 Healthy Habits for Managing Stress & Anxiety and The Farewell Tour: A Caregiver’s Guide to Stress Management, Sane Nutrition, and Better Sleep.

Shape's editorial guidelines

Updated on July 20, 2021

How to Pack Healthy Road Trip Snacks (2)

When you're stuck in a car for five hours straight, you might start downing iced coffees and pretzel crisps to keep yourself from zonking out behind the wheel. But it's time to change how you eat and drink your way through road trips. To stay on track with your healthy eating while driving — whether it's across town or across the country — preparation is key. So before you pack up the car and strap yourself in, stock up on these healthy grocery store foods that you can turn into a bunch of different healthy road trip snacks. Never be so desperate that you'll eat anything just because it's at the next exit.

Do Your Healthy Road Trip Snack Research

1. Go online to scope out restaurants, rest stops, and grocery stores along your route to get an idea of your health road trip food snack options. You could even add farms and farmers' markets to the list for some local, often inexpensive flavor.

2. If you're going to be in the car for long stretches, pack an insulated lunch bag or cooler with cold packs to keep the temperature of healthy road trip snack foods safe. If your trip lasts multiple days, you can purchase ice at gas stations as you go and store it in ziplock bags.

3. Do a grocery run to stock up on healthy road trip snacks that are ready to go as-is. Cover your food group bases: Protein, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and complex carbs. Knowing you have options will lessen the stress of trying to find a balanced meal or snack en route, and you'll easily be able to cobble something together from your purchases or doctor up something you grab on the go. (

11 Natural Snacks You're Going to Want to Stock Up On

Your Healthy Road Tip Snack Grocery List

Everyone needs a healthy grocery list to turn to in times of need, and all you need to do is tweak the usual weekly grocery list for at-home meals to turn many of the same items into must-haves for healthy road trip snacks on the move. Here are a few road trip food suggestions worth filling up on.

Protein Picks for Healthy Road Trip Snacks

  • String cheese or other individually wrapped cheese
  • Greek yogurt (plain is best)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Dry-roasted edamame or chickpeas
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Nut and seed butter (

Everything You Need and Want to Know About Nut Butter

(You can even prep full-fledged meals instead of just healthy road trip snacks that include these high-protein foods ahead of time.)

Fruit Options for Healthy Road Trip Snacks

  • Fresh fruit: If you're squeamish about fruit touching other stuff in your bag, choose something with a peel or keep washed fruit in its own resealable bag or container.
  • Dried or freeze-dried fruit. Portion this road trip food into single-serving bags to avoid overeating.
  • Fruit-and-seed bars like KIND Pressed bars: These gluten-free bars are made of just fruit, vegetables, and chia seeds. Though there's no true substitute for fresh fruit, these bars are a convenient way to help fill the void, as each provides two servings of fruit.

Vegetables for Easily Packed Healthy Road Trip Snacks

  • Sliced fresh veggies: Bring your own or find at grocery and convenience stores. Many come with creamy dip, but skip that in favor of hummus, salsa, or a single-serve packet of guacamole.
  • Freeze-dried veggies: This road trip food provides a satisfying crunch along with filling fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Just scope out labels to help you choose products with simple ingredients. Ideally, you just want the veggies and maybe a little oil or sea salt.
  • Vegetable juice: Fresh is best, but bottled (like low-sodium V8 juice) works in a pinch.
  • Vegetable juice powder: Just shake up in a water bottle.
  • Salad: This is a no-brainer way to work more veggies into your meals. Include protein and limit the high-calorie add-ons, like cheese, avocado, nuts, and dried fruit.
  • Soup: Broth-based soups with veggies are a great road trip food if you're in the passenger seat. Just steer clear of cream-based soups—butternut squash bisque, for example, might sound healthy, but it's often made with heavy cream (and even sugar!), which can negate the benefits.

Healthy Fats to Keep Your Road Trip Snacks Balanced

  • Avocado: Slice this road trip food in half with a knife and eat the flesh out of the skin with a spoon. To keep calories in check, split with a travel companion and enjoy a 125-calorie snack that's packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, fiber, and potassium. (Don't forget to wash the skin first.)
  • Single-serving packs of olives: They provide satisfying monounsaturated fat for only 50 calories.
  • Single-serve packets of chia seeds or ground flaxseed: They're an easy way to add fiber and texture to yogurt and oatmeal.

Complex Carbs to Add Staying Power to Your Healthy Road Trip Snacks

  • Oats: Packets of unflavored instant oatmeal can be mixed with hot water or stirred into yogurt. (If you're not going to have access to hot water, prep a batch of overnight oats instead.)
  • Popcorn: Aside from being lower in calories than a lot of other snack items, popcorn is a whole grain and provides filling fiber.
  • Whole-grain bread: With this staple ingredient, you can make a classic road trip food: a sandwich with cold cuts or nut butter.
  • Whole-grain crackers: Look for something with at least 4 grams of fiber. If portion control is tough for you, separate into single-serve bags.
  • Baked potato: Don't overlook the humble baked potato, rich in fiber, vitamin A, and potassium. Plop some broccoli and cheese and you've got a quick "in moderation" meal.

Drinks to Stay Hydrated During Long Road Trips

Hydration is important, as mild dehydration can be mistaken for hunger and make you feel sluggish. Drink plenty of water and seltzer, but go slow with coffee — too much caffeine can lead to dehydration and make you feel like you have to pee every 10 minutes.

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How to Pack Healthy Road Trip Snacks (2024)


How to Pack Healthy Road Trip Snacks? ›

Look for granola bars, yogurt, trail mix, oatmeal, milk, cheese sticks and more to complete your snack bag and get back on the road. Coffee shops: It's the coffee that brings you in, but while you are there pick up small packages of nuts, granola bars, Greek yogurt and more.

How to pack snacks for a road trip? ›

There are a few things to keep in mind when packing road trip snacks. First, you'll want to pack foods that keep mess to a minimum in order to avoid crumbs all over the car...and all over the kids. This isn't a time to experiment with new foods, so go with an assortment of things you know your family likes.

How do you pack healthy snacks? ›

  1. Choose any 1 fresh fruit. For example: grapes, apple slices or rings, any melon chunks (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), any berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries), or banana slices.
  2. Choose any 2 vegetables. ...
  3. Choose any 1 healthy protein. ...
  4. Choose any 1 whole grain. ...
  5. Incorporating dairy (if desired).

How do you eat healthy while road tripping? ›

Here are our top healthy snacks to take on a car trip.
  1. Beef jerky. This long-lasting travel snack is packed full of protein, which is one of the best ways to satisfy your hunger. ...
  2. Popcorn. ...
  3. Hard-boiled eggs. ...
  4. Protein bars. ...
  5. String cheese. ...
  6. Carrots. ...
  7. Grapes. ...
  8. Hummus and celery.

What are easy snacks to eat while driving? ›

While driving, food needs to be single bite, not greasy and able to be easily picked out of a cup or bag. So, cheese cubes, cut up fruit, small pieces of beef jerky, candy, etc.

How to pack food for travelling? ›

Invest in a good quality cooler or insulated bag to keep perishable items fresh. Place ice packs or frozen water bottles inside to maintain a cool temperature. Pack your pre-cooked meals, dairy products, fruits, and any other items that require refrigeration in the cooler.

What is a healthy food pack for traveling? ›

Fresh fruits that don't make a mess, like bananas, apples, plums, apricots or grapes. Low-fat string cheese or cheese slices. Single-serving containers of hummus or guacamole. Whole-grain wraps with deli turkey or chicken, avocado, shredded carrots and hummus.

How to make a healthy snack basket? ›

For someone who eats healthy but doesn't follow a specific diet, you can choose from a variety of nuts, fruits, crackers, cheese, nut butters, trail mix, soup mixes, and more. You can also put non-food items in a healthy gift basket, such as a cutting board and cheese knife, a candle, or luxurious bath items.

How do you transport snacks? ›

Break Out the Storage Containers

"The best way to transport bite-sized foods is to use [storage] containers that keep the bite-sized pieces together and secure," explains Johnson. "You can also use the containers with the small dividers if you need to be extra careful."

What is a cheap healthy food while traveling? ›

Nuts, fruit, dried fruit, dark chocolate, hummus, rice cakes. These are all great healthy snack options that you can buy in a grocery store/market and can carry with you on your adventures. You'll thank yourself by having these on hand when the hangry-ness strikes.

What are easy snacks to take while traveling? ›

Also, dry fruits are long-lasting food options for travelling. Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a low-calorie snack that is high in fiber. Pack some in a small container for a satisfying and crunchy snack. Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, and grapes are easy to pack and provide a natural source of energy and vitamins.

What foods should you avoid on a road trip? ›

Food Considerations When Traveling
  • Stay away from cut-up fruit or vegetables. ...
  • Avoid eating fresh salads, even if finely cut or shredded. ...
  • Avoid fresh salsas, condiments, and other sauces made from raw fruits or vegetables.

What is the most efficient packing method for travel? ›

4. Think Tetris: The best way to fit everything into one bag: Fill every inch of space.
  1. Roll your clothes. This helps to maximize space and minimize wrinkles.
  2. Use packing cubes. These smaller bags help you keep your clothes compact and your outfits ordered.
  3. Try the bundle technique.
Jun 26, 2017

How to pack for a road trip with multiple stops? ›

Items like comfortable walking shoes, rain jackets and travel guides are great to pack at the top of your luggage or in a separate bag.
  1. Pack your car in zones. ...
  2. Stack heavy to light. ...
  3. Pack for your stops. ...
  4. Pack snacks that aren't messy. ...
  5. Clean as you go.

How do you stay fresh on a road trip? ›

Stay Clean As You Travel With These 7 Tips
  1. Shower.
  2. Dude Wipes or some form of cleaning/baby wipes.
  3. Clean Clothes.
  4. Bring Biodegradable Soap.
  5. Pack a Microfiber Towel.
  6. Carry Extra Water.
  7. Bring Along your Toiletries.

How do you keep snacks fresh in your car? ›

Pack logically

Cold air travels down so ice should always be on top with pre-chilled cans and bottles on the bottom. Perishable foods like meat and dairy should be stored on top of ice. To keep food dry, separate it into sealed plastic containers or zip-lock bags.

What foods do you typically pack on long road trips? ›

Foods to Pack for Travel
  • Muffins (pumpkin, sweet potato, banana, spinach, etc.)
  • Granola bars or energy bars.
  • Homemade popcorn (try spicing it up with chili powder, garam masala, cinnamon, or nutritional yeast)
  • Fruit, especially the easily portable ones like apples, oranges, and bananas.
Sep 26, 2022

Where do you put snacks in your car? ›

You'll want a container that will fit in your car and hold all your snack supplies. I usually keep this bin on the floor of the passenger front seat. If you have 2 adults on your road trip or someone using this seat, you can keep your container in the back seat or in the back of the car, wherever you have room.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.